Oscar Nominee Nepalese Movie – Butterfly on a windowpane at VUFF

Nepalese movie succeeded in VUFF and got a media attention.

For a Nepalese feature film, this is the first time ever being a part of a film festival in Finland and Mama Events Oy is a proud partner to pioneering this breakthrough.

The first ever Vantaa Urban Film Festival (VUFF) had both new and old films on offer and from different parts of the world. For four days, from 16th to 19th of March 2023, audiences were able to find a diverse selection of films at Kino Myyri and at a pop-up theater in the Skenesali in Myyräncolo, both located in Myyrmäki. One of the attractions of the film festival was “Butterfly on a windowpane”, an Oscar nominee from Nepal.This is a story of siblings during 90’s in Nepal. Basanta (Younger Brother) takes risk to help his sister, Bidhaya in keeping her hope to continue her studies in a harder circumstance.The movie was written and directed by Sujit Bidari and produced by Icefall production.

A scene taken from a Oscar Nominee Nepalese movie, Butterfly in a windowpane.
A scene taken from the movie, Butterfly in a windowpane.

For a Nepalese feature film, this is the first time ever being a part of a film festival in Finland and Mama Events Oy is a proud partner to pioneering this breakthrough. Also, Mama Events’ co-founders were invited to attende the opening of the festival inaugurated by Mayor of Vantaa City, Ritva Viljanen. We took privilige to briefly introduce the movies culture in Nepal as well as Mama Events Oy’s effort in arranging the regular screening of international movies in different cities of Finland among various attendees including the Mayor herself. The networks explored at the event were amazed to hear about the Nepalese movie culture and even surprised that we have been regularly screening the movie across various cities of Finland.

At 19:00 on 17th March 2023, the screening day of the movie, the movie received amazing support from 150+ audiences, making it the second most popular screening of the festival. Also, the screening received a media attention from local medias like Vantaan Sanomat.
Leena Koivisto writes,”Samana iltana Kino Myyrissä esitetyn nepalilaisen elokuvan Butterfly on the Windowpane (Perhonen ikkunalaudalla) näki 150 katsojaa.
Nepalilaiset yhteyskumppanimme olivat innoissaan leffan vastaanotosta. Jatkammekin heti ensi viikon maanantaina seuraavalla nepalilaisella elokuvalla Kino Myyrissä, Hulkkonen kertoo.”

Mama Events and the Nepalese Diaspora in Finland felt bestowed for this opportunity to showcase the movie from the country that is often underrated as a producer of quality films or even not having a possibilty to create one. We are thankful to all the audiences, VUFF, Vantaa City, Kino Myyri and J. Hulkkonen. for all their efforts to make it happen. Without you all, it wouldn’t have been possible.

We are thrilled by the presence of Finnish as well as international audiences for the movie. This proivided us with a confidence to explore an extra mile in movie screening also outside the Nepalese diaspora. Halkara-Postimies with Finnish subtitle is one of the many outcomes of our exploration. We are dedicated more than ever to keep this spirit alive and thrive for betterment in bringing international movies and events in Finland. If you are interested in the movies and events we bring, please subscribe our newsletter. Please find our active and upcoming events here.

If you are an orgainzer of Film Festival or you know someone who is looking for an international movies to add to the screening list, please feel free to contact us. We own the distribution right of various international movies. All the movies we distribute have English or Finnish subtitle and classified age rating in Finland from National Audiovisual Institute (KAVI).

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